WiFi in Windows 8 via eduroam
Your computer needs a wireless connection with WPA capability. Also, you need administrator privileges.
Step 1: Open Network and Sharing Center
Open the Desktop view and right-click the WiFi symbol in the System Notification Area. Open the Network and Sharing Center.
Create a new connection
Choose the Set up a new connection or network option.
In the opening window, choose Manually connect to a wireless network and confirm with Next.
Enter connection information
Here you enter general information for the network.
As Network name, enter „eduroam“.
Choose “WPA2-Enterprise” as Security type and “AES” as Encryption type.
Confirm with Next.
Change connection settings
You should see this message of confirmation of the creation of the wireless connection.
Click Change connection settings.
In the opening window, choose the Security tab.
Here you can check again if the security and encryption settings are set as described in step 3.
Then, open the Settings.
Change Protected EAP Properties
Please make sure that the Validate server certificate checkbox is marked.
In the Trusted Root Certification Authorities list, please mark the “Deutsche Telekom Root CA 2” entry.
Then, click Configure.
In the opening window, please unmark the checkbox if necessary and close the dialog and the Protected EAP Properties windows with OK.
You should now see the eduroam Wireless Network Properties window again.
Click Advanced settings.
Activate User authentication
In the opening window, mark the Specify authentication mode checkbox.
Choose User authentication from the list and close this and all other windows with OK or Close.
Enter credentials
A notification bubble should open now, which you need to click. In the opening window, you can enter your credentials. To your HWR account name, please add the domain “@hwr-berlin.de”.
Example: HWR account: „s_primus“ à credentials: „s_primus@hwr-berlin.de“
Attention: The domain „hwr-berlin.de“ is the same for all users. There is no „stud.hwr-berlin.de“.
Connect to eduroam
Left-click the WiFi symbol.
Choose the eduroam network, mark the Connect automatically checkbox and click Connect.
Hint for connection problems:
It is possible that the connection will only be established if you choose „TKIP“ as the Encryption type in step 4.